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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Numeracy ‘Pink Panther’ Investigations and Self Assessment in Primary 3

11th Nov 2022

In Primary 3, we love our Friday Investigations. They provide opportunities for us to use our mathematical knowledge and apply our Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities. 

The aim of today’s investigation was to design 12 different rockets using 3 colours. We worked together with our partners to develop a strategy for our designs and then recorded and presented our findings. 

Throughout our learning in P3, we use different ways to show our teacher how much we understand our tasks. Today we used a traffic light system. We placed our individual self assessment cards in front of us while we worked, so that our teacher knew if we were working confidently or maybe needed further explanations. Taking responsibility for our learning in this way is an excellent skill for us to develop.