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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

The Arts

P3 Role Play ‘The Italian Restaurant'
P3 Role Play ‘The Italian Restaurant'
P1 Role Play People Who Help Us
P1 Role Play People Who Help Us
Music in P1
Music in P1
Music Outdoors
Music Outdoors
 Art Outdoors
Art Outdoors
P2 Painting
P2 Painting
P3 Art ‘Painting Autumn Trees'
P3 Art ‘Painting Autumn Trees'
Painting is very therapeutic
Painting is very therapeutic
P3H A Midsummer Night's Dream
P3H A Midsummer Night's Dream
Re-enacting Shakespeare‘s ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Re-enacting Shakespeare‘s ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream'

The Arts is an Area of Learning in the curriculum which has three strands: Art and Design, Drama, and Music.

Through The Arts, children can express their individuality, imagination and creativity. These are closely linked to all aspects of their learning.Children come to school with their own experiences of Art and Design, Drama and Music. Our teachers in Dundela use these experiences as a starting point for further development.

In developing children’s creativity in all aspects of The Arts, we emphasise the process, the children’s enjoyment and the learning that is taking place, rather than the finished product.


Children communicate through their art making and demonstrate a natural curiosity to learn about different creative processes and techniques. It’s important to nurture and encourage their innate curiosity.

Art and Design helps children to think through their ideas and to develop visual, spatial and tactile awareness, and investigative and manipulative skills. Teachers encourage children to observe, make choices and decisions, investigate, problem-solve, and talk about their own and others’ work.


Drama allows children to express their thoughts, ideas and feelings in verbal and non-verbal ways. Throughout the day, teachers encourage children to communicate through Drama, for example during play-based learning and circle time.

Drama contributes to the learning process in a unique way. It gives children a high degree of self-management over their own learning where they make decisions, solve problems or choose not to resolve situations.

It encourages children to manage their own knowledge and experience of the world and then extend it creatively and imaginatively. It engages feelings and encourages empathy with other characters whose lives the children are examining with the Drama process.


Music gives children the opportunity to explore feelings and express themselves in ways that support or go beyond verbal communication. Teachers involve children in musical activities as a whole class, in groups, individually and during play.

Children actively engage with the core musical activities of composing, performing and listening.

Composing gives children rich opportunities to develop their creativity by experimenting with musical ideas.

Performing allows children to make their musical ideas real by singing or playing an instrument. Sharing their musical creations can help to develop children’s self-esteem and confidence, along with their ability to listen to others and value their contributions.

Listening and responding to their own and others’ music making are important musical activities that help children to develop focus and concentration.


6th Jun 2024
In P3M we have been working on our creative skills 🎨 We created a collaborative...
8th May 2024
As part of our Pets, Vets and Sea Life topic in P2 we made fish tanks today. 🐠🐟🐡...
25th Jan 2024
We have been busy in P1B learning our words and getting to grips with our reading...