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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

World Around Us/Forest School

Forest school encourages freedom to explore
Forest school encourages freedom to explore
Opportunities to investigate
Opportunities to investigate
Using natural materials
Using natural materials
Bringing our learning outside
Bringing our learning outside
Encouraging  curiosity
Encouraging curiosity
Reinforcing learning
Reinforcing learning
Working as a team
Working as a team
Everyone has a part to play
Everyone has a part to play
Nurturing creativity
Nurturing creativity
Observing in detail
Observing in detail
Learning from nature
Learning from nature
Completing a task…then ‘leaving no trace'
Completing a task…then ‘leaving no trace'
Role playing in nature
Role playing in nature
Everyone enjoys Forest School
Everyone enjoys Forest School
 Sweetcorn grown in our allotment
Sweetcorn grown in our allotment
Investigating the corn inside the cob
Investigating the corn inside the cob
Learning how far our germs can travel
Learning how far our germs can travel
Remember to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze
Remember to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze
Learning together
Learning together
Everyone involved
Everyone involved
Labelling body parts on our tallest and smallest person
Labelling body parts on our tallest and smallest person
Managing risk
Managing risk
In Primary 3 we've been learning about how our bodies work
In Primary 3 we've been learning about how our bodies work
Learning about our bones
Learning about our bones
A Primary 3 stick skeleton
A Primary 3 stick skeleton

Through our World Around Us topic work and Forest School sessions we are able to foster and extend children’s natural curiosity about themselves and the nature of the world around them. We encourage children to develop their observational skills, their questioning and discussion skills. We foster respect for ourselves, our classmates, our environment and the natural world. Through participation and investigation in topic work and Forest School from Primary 1 to Primary 3, through managed and not eliminated risks, we encourage our children to develop a skill set that will allow them to become well placed to take responsibility for their own learning. In the words of favourite children’s author Roald Dahl, 

 ‘The more you allow children to take risks the better they learn to take care of themselves.’

26th Jun 2024
We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Eco Green Flag Award for...
18th Jun 2024
We had great fun making patterns from the natural things we could find around our...
24th May 2024
What a fun topic this has been! We have enjoyed acting out stories, tasting porridge,...