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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Belfast in Bloom

6th Jun 2023

We were absolutely delighted to be asked by Belfast City Council to help advertise this year's Belfast in Bloom 2023.    Belfast in Bloom is a competition run by BCC, awards are given to individuals, community groups, allotments, commercial displays and schools like ourselves. We had a fun morning in the sunshine showing off our school allotment and pollinator garden to a photographer and videographer who took lots of photos and some video footage. The images will be used to advertise the competition across social media. Dundela Infants' School were awarded runner up Best School Garden in 2021 and Best School Garden winners in 2022! Fingers crossed we can hold on to our title in 2023...   We would love some more parent volunteers to help out every now and again so please let your child's teacher know if you'd be interested.