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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Home Learning - E-safety with Smartie the penguin

1st Apr 2020


E-safety is something we are always very conscious of when we are in school with the children.  So far this year the children have had three lessons focussing on privacy online (keeping our personal information private), how we behave online and that we can use the internet for many different things.  

With the children at home there is probably a much greater use of online learning going on than would normally occur, therefore, we feel it is important to continue to develop their understanding of how to keep safe online.

Click here for some PowerPoint stories about Smartie the Penguin, the children will be familiar with this character.  Please read through the story with your child and feel free to do any of the activities by clicking here or even make your own e-safety posters for us to display when we get back to school!